GSoC Final Report My journey on the Google Summer of Code project passed by so fast, A lot of stuff happened during those three months, and as I’m writing this blog post, I feel quite nostalgic about these three months. GSoC was indeed a fantastic experience. It gave me an opportunity to grow as a developer in an open source community and I believe that I ended up GSoC with a better understanding of what open source is. I learned more about the community, how to communicate with them, and who are the actors in this workflow. So, this is a summary report of all my journey at GSoC 2022. Name : Ansh Dassani Organization: NumFOCUS- Data Retriever Project title : Training and Evaluation of model on various resolutions Project link: DeepForest Mentors : Ben Weinstein , Henry Senyondo , Ethan White Introduction DeepForest is a pytho...