Deepforest Model Training
DeepForest uses deep learning object detection networks to predict bounding boxes corresponding to individual trees in RGB imagery. DeepForest is built on the retinanet model from the torchvision package and designed to make training models for tree detection simpler.
Prebuilt models are always improved by adding data from the target area. In our work, we found that even an hour of carefully selected hand annotations can greatly improve accuracy and precision. We believe that at least some fine-tuning of pre-built models is worthwhile for most scientific applications. Using off-the-shelf models for training, we found that 5-10 epochs were sufficient.
The dataset we used to test to train our data was urban-tree-detection-data
Libraries we used to achieve it:
from pytorch_lightning.loops import dataloader
import pandas as pd
import torch
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import deepforest
from deepforest import main
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import os
import rasterio
import glob
We had many CSV files to train our model on the dataset which had only two columns x and y present representing the location of tree crowns but the deepforest model takes input as the bounding box, not coordinates. so we thought of the robust idea that by creating a bounding box from coordinates by the error of 1 and it also should have image_path in our CSV file, following is the code snippet for it
# making data feasible to train on our model
df = pd.read_csv(annotationFileTemp)
df['image_path'] = image_path
df['xmin']=df['x'] - 1
df['xmax']=df['x'] + 1
df['ymin']=df['y'] - 1
df['ymax']=df['y'] + 1
where annotationFileTemp is the original CSV file that only contains 2D coordinates, So now our dataset is ready.
We tell the config that we want to train on this csv file, and that the images are in the same directory. If images are in a separate folder, change the root_dir.
# model configuration
self.model.config["gpus"] = "-1"
self.model.config["train"]["epochs"] = 5
self.model.config["epochs"] = 5
self.model.config["train"]["csv_file"] = annotationFile
self.model.config["score_thresh"] = 0.4
self.model.config["train"]["root_dir"] = os.path.dirname(annotationFile)
self.model.config["train"]["fast_dev_run"] = False
One can get a whole set of parameters config and one can also pass any additional PyTorch lightning argument to the trainer.
To begin training, we create a PyTorch-lightning trainer and call a on the model object directly on itself. While this might look a touch awkward, it is useful for exposing the PyTorch lightning functionality.
We have to create a trainer and then fit the model in that trainer
But apparently, on training, we were getting an error stating as
"ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists", it was because of the model.trainer so what we did was created PyTorch lightening trainer outside of deepforest and ignored create_trainer and then fit the model in the trainer
# creating trainer to train the model
trainer= pl.Trainer( max_epochs=5,
fast_dev_run= False)
# training model on the respective data
But as I stated first we had multiple CSV files so we applied the loop to the training of the model so every time it got trained more and more on multiple CSV files
# Giving our model respective data files to train
for file in glob.iglob(f"/content/urban-tree-detection-data/csv/*"):
if counter<100:
training.training_of_model(testing_csv=file, image_path=file_name)
print(f"File has some invalid data, Filename : {file}")
Link to the colab notebook: Colab Notebook
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