Prediction DeepForest allows the prediction of the new data with the prebuilt model or we can also use our custom trained models. Predict a single image DeepForest allows to predict single images with predict_image function which can read an image from memory or file provided by user, which returns the bounding boxes of the predicted trees in image. image_path = get_data( "OSBS_029.png" ) boxes = model.predict_image( path = image_path , return_plot = False ) boxes.head() xmin ymin xmax ymax label scores 0 334.708405 342.333954 375.941376 392.187531 0 0.736650 1 295.990601 371.456604 331.521240 400.000000 0 0.714327 2 216.828201 207.996216 245.123276 240.167023 0 0.691064 3 276.206848 330.758636 303.309631 363.038422 0 0.690987 4 328.604736 45.947182 361.095276 80.635254 0 0.638212 The current DeepForest has release model there is a cate...